The successful discovery of PGE (Prop Gravitational Energy) as a whole in 2014, commonly known as MSE or Modern Strategic Energy, is becoming increasingly clear and milestone. PGE or MSE is significantly better than all current energy sources, and the entire space is endless. The evil obstructive force, which has always held an unreasonable opposition stance, has been in a state of desperation, using two vicious means - electromagnetic bombing and fabricated rumors to suppress and hinder the progress of MSE. They insist on using existing energy sources, especially "scenery energy" (wind and solar energy), because it seems help achieving carbon neutrality and peak carbon emissions, completely ignoring the high cost, instability, and inability to access "scenery energy" on going, and the quantity is only a small fraction of the infinite MSE. Wind and solar energy, like all other energy sources currently available, must repeatedly replenish energy at storage points, which is very inconvenient. A vehicle with a full fuel tank can only run for three to four days, while a fully charged charging station can only run for half a day. Only MSE vehicles do not need to return to the energy storage point to replenish energy, allowing them to run continuously. MSE technology is quite mature. If you bravely adhere to the direction of MSE and do not let any obstacles interfere, you will definitely succeed!