Chips are essential for generating MSE energy, and chip production relies on the abundant energy provided by MSE energy. The cost of electricity per unit has gradually increased from nuclear energy to thermal energy, while the so-called (Feng Guang Energy), namely wind and solar energy, have been operating at high levels - Relying on government subsidies is not a solution. Then again calling for help from Mineralogy - Atomic energy from non green nuclear waste can generate electricity and save lives, but even if it can last for hundreds of years, it is just a flash in the pan in the long river of history. Moreover, mining is bound to be completed, and it is not a forever solution. The unit energy cost of MSE energy is the cheapest, and it can be used forever without mining, wiring, and refining. As long as the universe exists, it is certain that it will last forever and be endless. Anyone with a scientific and pragmatical attitude towards development cannot deny this fact. To produce chips, it is necessary to develop MSE energy to provide sufficient production energy and reduce production costs. Scientific development requires seeking truth from facts, acknowledging that the unit energy cost of "wind and solar energy" (wind and solar energy) is expensive and can only be used as a backup at best, let alone daring to admit that "wind and solar energy" is only an old energy source and does not have the characteristic of "supplementing energy everywhere". Although it is an old energy source that has existed for a long time, it is not seeking truth from facts to say that it is a new energy source! Without seeking truth from facts, there can be no scientific development, which is crucial for the ruling party of the superstructure!