Abstract and key words of the new-edition guiding paper


Zeron is the most elementary particle which is the quantum of essential quantization in proper mass system (proper system for short) - when its speed is less than c it is an implicit particle; but when its speed is equal to c it becomes an explicit particle. An infinite set of zerons distributed in whole space all over the entire space-time can form a field - zeronic field, of which either a zero-proper-mass particle or a nonzero-proper-mass particle can be composed. There exists a stable intrinsic core in a zeronic field, from which many important fundamental properties in particle physics such as the electron mass can be calculated when that the de Broglie wave corresponds to not only a relativistic frequency but also a relativistic waving vector is reasoned. In the final part, to see the important role of stable intrinsic core, the calculating consequence of heavier baryon masses in octet and decuplet started with essential quantization is introduced. When essential quantization is derived from initial differential geometry on curves and surfaces – helix sequence – as a typical macroscopic quantum effect, many important quantum phenomena such as quantum geometry and quantized loops are quite natural and necessary results. Especially from quantized loops being contracted, Big Bang is sure to be aroused while being prevented from the stable state in zeronic field, one practical scheme about such a controlled Bang beyond this stable state is suggested. For a zeron, space quantization must lead time quantization. Time direction is determined by the energy order, all energy levels can be accepted according to level possibility. Usually the higher the energy level, the higher level possibility. This document is written using only two parametes h and c.

Key words: essential quantization, zeron, zeronic field with intrinsic core, ether field, macroscopic quantum effect, quantum geometry, quantized loop, 0-form connection, bang, cosmic energy, time quantization, level possibility, natural uncertainty principle, light quantization